Monday, May 30, 2022

Chapter Two

Time with Elaine just flies by I swear. I will always treasure these memories of our courtship, celebrating summer at the festival, holding hands on the roller skating rink and falling on my bottom more times than I care to admit. Elaine was always there to help me back up when I fell though.

We had ourselves an amazing time and even got our photograph taken if you can believe it. It turned out amazing. It's something I think we'll treasure the rest of our lives. Also, don't believe any nonsense about throwin' like a girl, because Elaine sure has a mean arm on her, and she definitely won that water balloon fight. 

Just when things were settling down into normal, we had a scare. Someone broke into our home! It terrified Elaine; she's very peaceful and gentle by nature. I can't say I wasn't any less scared either, but I was also just furious, furious that someone had the gall to steal our things, to make us feel unsafe in our own home.

Fury won out over fear, and I almost chased that no good burglar down, but I remembered Elaine was waiting frightened in the bedroom and knew I couldn't leave her. The police showed up, but it was too late. They stole our gramophone! I inherited it from my parents so the loss especially stings. Elaine comforted me and reminded me we'll likely get a new gramophone as a wedding gift.

Speaking of the wedding, I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. We had a small, private ceremony at the gazebo in town. Elaine was stunning in her lace dress. I wore my best vest and shirt for the occasion. 

As long as she is my wife, I'll be the happiest man on Earth.

Remember how I said we had never gotten up to anything extracurricular during our courtship? Well, now that we were finally married, I think we were both excited to do the next part. We ran out of the park so fast that the lady that had been watching our wedding so intently probably thought we'd gone crazy. Apparently the old lady's name is Spenster. I think she might be jealous, and that makes me feel real sorry for her. I hope she finds love too.

Elaine was right. Her daddy bought us a new gramophone as a wedding gift. 

Waiting until marriage was worth it, I must say. There's no one else I'd rather be with than my Elaine. We're both excited to take the next step and start a family. With my garden coming along, I know that I'll be able to support us. Elaine quit her job at the diner so she can stay home full time. 

It didn't take long before Elaine started feeling sick to her stomach. We were both pretty sure what that meant, but we also didn't want to get our hopes up too early.

Elaine has been a tremendous help with the garden. With her green thumb, we get the work done in half the time!

Of course I also spend about half my time fishing. Fish make pretty great fertilizer after all, and there's nothing better than a home cooked meal with a fish you just caught yourself. Also, I never get tired of the views. Riverview is a pretty little town that's for sure.

It was late one night when Elaine gave me the good news. I was going to be a father! At first I was so shocked I didn't even know how to respond. It didn't help that I was also pretty sick at the time with the flu and had just got done sneezing when she told me.

"I am so excited! I can't wait to raise a big family with you, Elaine."
"I feel the same way, Henry."
Oddly enough I hoped it was a girl. I knew that I'd only be able to pass my inheritance down to my firstborn son like my pop did with me, but I wanted a daddy's little girl to spoil and love first. Elaine surprised me by wishing for a boy first thing. Well, we're about to find out who gets their wish, unless it's twins. Golly, could you imagine? 
I hope you're enjoying the story so far. :) It's fun to write as Henry. I hope I've succeeded in giving him his own voice. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Chapter One


Welcome to From the Hart: A Differences in the Family Tree Story. Meet your founder, Henry Hart. In a moment, I will let Henry take over his story, but I thought you might want to know a little more about him first. He represents the 1920s and his generation is all about living off the land. His lifetime wish is to have the perfect garden. His traits are Friendly, Hopeless Romantic, Loves the Outdoors, Angler, and Natural Cook. Here are the goals for his generation:

  • Date/Marry girl/guy with Loves Outdoors and/or Green Thumb and/or Angler

  • No Woohoo before Marriage

  • Get Married

  • Have both Boy and Girl (NOTE! You can adopt other gender after first child to complete objective)

  • No Watermelons/Apples to sway gender of child

  • Master Gardening Skill

  • Plant Every Plant from Grocery Store

  • Obtain all Plants/Seeds

  • If you get call for learning Steak, Egg, Cheese, Omni plant, complete it.

  • Master Fishing Skill

  • Catch All Fish (without traveling)

Dear Journal:

Henry here, Henry Hart of course. I've just moved to the quaint town of Riverview. My folks passed on not too long ago, leaving me a bit of money, just enough to buy my own small plot of land with a cozy little cottage. It's all I've ever wanted though. Since I was a young boy, I've lived almost my whole life outdoors, just soaking up the sun and taking in the natural world. All I want to do is live off the land and raise a family. 

 One of the first things I did after moving into town was to check out the local fishin' spots. If I'm going to grow myself a garden large enough to raise a family, I've got to practice my anglin' skills. There's nothing better than fish to fertilize a garden. I was delighted to learn that Riverview has a wonderful little fish hatchery place not too far from my new house.

Golly, Riverview sure is beautiful. Just look at that clear blue water and the green hills in the distance. I can definitely see myself settling down here. Now all I need to find is a wife...although to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to do that. I'm a nice enough fellow I suppose, but the women folk haven't exactly been knocking down my door.

So much can change before you know it though. I bumped into this lovely lady named Elaine Joy at the Riverview Community Garden, which is of course another one of my favorite places in town. It seemed like destiny was smiling kindly on me.

As you can see, I think she was receptive to my advances. I don't want to get too cheesy, but I think it was love at first sight, right there next to the hydrangeas and cherry blossoms. I'll never forgot that first day.

It turns out Elaine is no stranger to the farming life. Her papa owns his own barn and small plot of land right here in Riverview. She wants nothing more than the simple things out of life as well. I can't believe a guy like me can get so lucky.

Life isn't all romance though. If I'm to provide for Elaine and our future children, I have to learn how to grow a big enough garden to feed us all. That takes a lot of hard work. I've had more than my share of sunburnt necks and dirt I never can seem to get rid of underneath my fingernails.

When we're not together, all I can think about is still Elaine. I want to make her my wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I know I have to do it right. I have to court her properly and ask her daddy's permission for her hand in marriage. 

It wasn't too long before Elaine was moving in to my little cottage. Now don't you go getting the wrong idea. There was no extracurricular activities going on, things that are meant to be enjoyed only by a married couple. I would never disrespect Elaine that way, but it was just easier for her to move in when she did as she wanted to help me with the garden.

Kissing is still allowed before marriage, just sayin'.

My little garden was starting to come along nicely. It's a lot of work, but I know it will be worth it in the end. I can't wait to be completely self-sustaining and independent.

Elaine and I really are a match made in heaven. It turns out her dream is to be a chef and learn as many recipes as she can. So I'll grow the food, and she'll be cooking it up into delicious new recipes! 

Elaine is even more of a green thumb than I am! She regularly talks to the plants. I think it's a little odd, but she tells me it helps them grow faster. Who am I to argue with her?

We were settling down into a life of farming and domestic bliss. There was really only one thing left to do...

"Elaine Joy, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" I asked. I'd never been more nervous in my whole life, I can tell you. 

Luckily for me, she said yes. 


Here are Elaine's stats. I forgot to take a snip of Henry's, but I will for next time!





Chapter Twelve

  Mom and Dad are still madly in love. Honestly, I can only aspire to have a relationship as great as theirs one day. Thomas grew up into a ...